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What it is

Immunizor is a serum produced from an extremophile microbe, an organism that is only visible in a microscope that has been on the Earth since the beginning of time.  Like a bee produces honey this invisible cell produces a serum that seems to have extraordinary healing and sanitation properties What has been discovered is it seems to provide instant relief from and elimination of fungal, bacterial and viral conditions.  For that reason, we suggest you use it on your skin and in your nose and mouth.  The absorbtion seems to happen immediately for Athlete’s foot, candida, tinea, poison oak reactions, allergies, headaches, migraines and gingivitis.  We can’t say what it is going to do for you.  Try it and find out for yourself.  That is the reason for the free trial.  Join the movement of discovery of the power of this mini-molecule.

It has not yet been clinically proven, but it seems to prevent you from getting a cold or the flu with a daily spray. It is safe and natural and has been used for over twenty years without any adverse reactions reported.   Studies are being conducted to find out what it is and what it is made of, but we know it is a combination of amino acids, peptides and enzymes.

It was tested in Mexico where the clincal testing showed promise of reducing Diabetes Two for the whole country.  That became political and trials were withdrawn.  Your feedback is valuable for the discovery of the natural potential this has. It is an honest product that does what it does without help or dilution, just use it and apply it on minor abrasions, itchy spots, flakey spots, and sores. If you have allergies or congestion spray it in your nose and get used to the burning sensation that subsides in a minute. Please subscribe to let us know of your personal story with Immunizor.